Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 10, 2010

  • Psalms 47:6... Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises...
    You might think that David was incessant on praising God and here tells us to do so as well. If you thought that you would be wrong! This psalm is from the sons of Korah. David wrote around half of the psalms, so don't attribute them all to him. But both of the authors wrote time and again that God needs to hear our praise.
    Today that is the overwhelming theme of the contemporary church. It has pushed and pushed the idea that you cannot worship God if you are not praising him in song. In fact the term worship music today means contemporary music. They are one in the same. You cannot praise or worship God properly if you are not singing contemporary music... christian rock.
    A and K don't be fooled. today's church, conceived and run by my generation has polluted your generation's mind. If I could apologize and change that I would. But I can encourage you to not be sucked into it... for A, and encourage you to free yourself from it... for you K.
    But you say it is in the Bible... and I agree. That is why I chose this verse. Not that you suck up to the world's music to mimic praise to God, but that you truly praise the one who is worthy of it. In chapter 4 of Revelation it talks about throne and how there are groups of creatures that are constantly praising God. We need to do that in many ways. Some contemporary songs do this well, but there are many hymns that do it as well. but don't limit yourself to just praising him with songs. this is the purpose of this post... praise God with your life: the way you smile can praise God along with many other ways, the way you talk, sing, look, dress, act, our free time, pleasures, and all our being. Each is an avenue of praise to God, for him and others to witness. How are you going to praise God today, each day? ~Dad
  • An added note... Praise can be faked, daughters. Never fake your praise! It will cause apathy. K you have told me that you witness this. "they sing and wave their bodies back and forth in praise to God in convo, and then the watch terrible movies and listen to rotten music." (not your exact quote). And A, if you haven't seen it you will; a moving holiness song will make me raise my hand in agreement but inside I feel nothing. people do it many times because that's what you are supposed to do. This will cause you to kill the sense of the spirit like nothing else... Only do it when you sense the move of the spirit not the move of the song... so key for today! Especially don't do it because someone says to, but don't squelch either. You'll be a dead christian... Instead honor him with praise through your life and on your tongue. ~Dad

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