Thursday, October 29, 2015

Psalm 66:16

October 29, 2015

Psalm 66:16... Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me...

God has done marvelous things (Ps 98:1), more numerous than can be counted. David spoke of his works in relation to the people of Israel. It was well known by the people of that part of the world how incredible they truly were. The 10 plagues done in Egypt instilled fear in the hearts of the people of Canaan. The crossing of the Red Sea on dry land was an amazing feat which gave indisputable evidence that God provides for his people.

We must recognize the provisions of God. We must see that he loves his people, those that fear him and do his will, and gives to them generously. This is not good enough on its own. It is not right for others not to know how good he has been. We must tell others. They must see his greatness. They must understand how he provides for his people. and will they know if they do not hear, and how can they hear if we do not tell (Ro 10:14).

K and A, you have seen God work in your life of others. Are you willing to tell someone? A, you are hearing a lot of testimonies at school and church. K, you have heard them at Seyfert Camp. They are beneficial for the body of Christ but they are also very important for the lost and the seeking. I am not much into street preaching, makes me cringe; I think you cringe at that thought as well. But be willing if you have the opportunity and especially on a one on one basis if God places you in one... just tell  what God as done for you. It is a joy like none other when others benefit from your witness.


A children's song... "Stop and Let Me Tell You" :

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