Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 08, 2015

Psalm 15:1... Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may dwell on your holy hill?...
In the Old Testament we know the Spirit of God did not commune with everyone but only with those God chose to be. Since the death, the resurrection, and the accession of Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to those that have been changed by Christ's blood. In Wesleyan theology it is taught that the is a giving of the Holy Spirit at conversation but a filling of the Spirit at sanctification. We know the Holy Spirit lives in the believer but who is a believer. Here we see the qualifications of what it takes to house the Spirit within us. Read 2 thru 5 and learn how you need to act as a Christian. Let me highlight a couple of them. Speak the truth and keep an oath. These are both necessary to be filled with the Spirit.
K, A, learn to I corporate these life skills... virtues, into your everyday life. It is who you need to be. A in your college you will be taught holiness. K, you must learn this on your own. I know a man who is a pastor in the God's Missionary church. He took courses at Indiana Wesleyan and the students and faculty had never known anyone who was "blessed" in the Spirit. If either of you desire a filling of the Spirit know that you need to put these qualities in your life, so he may dwell in you. You will never regret being holy. ~Dad

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