Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 01, 2015

Psalm 8:9... O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in a the earth...

The Lord is an amazing God. He is the only true God. He is above all thing, all creation, all mankind, and all spiritual beings! There is none besides him. He is God!

This Psalm is about his majesty, but it is not just a song with empty words. David says why he is so wonderful. See the works of his hands, how he silences the enemy. But even more David recognizes how kind and generous God was to man. Why would be so kind to us, David inquires. We are not special. Why do we fall under such kindness. The Psalms are made to ponder. They are to sit back and think upon.

We know from other scripture that God says we are worth more than animals... K, I know animals are special. But never elevate them to human status. TV and movies have done this. They personalize them. God created them for us but none were found worthy of full companionship, so he created woman for man.... he created us different than them. We are created in God's own image. We are created to be like God... Jesus. We can devise plans, create things, love when hated... God wants us to live higher than animals.

Young ladies, we are not to seek to please our flesh, our natural desires. We are to please God by being like his son, Jesus. Spend time in the Psalms learning who he is and why he is so special. There are many praise songs today. Most of them are weak songs, playing on your emotions. It's not enough to know "God is great, God is good" we must know why he is and that will make us different in how we live our lives and he will be pleased with you and so will I. ~Dad

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