Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 30, 2015

Psalm 37:8... Refrain form anger and turn from wrath; do not fret - it leads only to evil...
"In your anger do not sin" (Ep 4:26), "I tell you that is anyone is angry with his brother will be subject to judgement" (Mt 5:22). We can see from scripture many references to sin and the dangers associated with it. It does appear that you can be angry and not sin, but it is a very dangerous place to be.
The place most people need to dwell is on the second part of this verse. DO NOT FRET... it only leads to evil. I would say David is talking about the other two as well but there are less people who are angry and wrathful. But there are many more who fret; this too leads to evil.
Both of you have seen me fret. That is sad. It is easy to become weary and moan and complain. I have done too much of this lately. Some have told me it is because of all the stress put on be since surgery and loss of job etc... but the reality is I allow myself to be yield to the pressures and then fret because of the hardships and start to take it out on others that I love around me - it only leads to evil.
Daughters, will you allow the situations around you now or in the future to be a drag on your joy? Will you allow the pressures of life and college get you down and begin to fret. I caution you to realize what it will to your relationships and how evil so quickly besets. Take your burdens to Christ; lay them at the foot of the cross and give them up. Then you can continue to live in joy and be a blessing to others. ~Dad

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