Saturday, October 24, 2015

August 30, 2015

Psalm 7:17... I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord most high...
If you read the rest of the chapter, at first glance this verse doesn't seem to fit, but you have to understand how David thinks. After complaining about all the trouble he is having and wondering why he has to deal with the evil or problems around him, David always comes around to recognizing God is sovereign and worthy of praise despite his circumstances. This is only possible because of who God is and that he looks beyond his circumstances to the one who can fix them.
I used to think Psalms was a silly book, but lately it seems more and more applicable to life. (Grandpa told me someday it would)
Girls, whenever you have difficult circumstances or times, whenever life seems to make no sense, or whenever evil around you is appears to be winning, look to God and praise him for who he is. The immediate circumstances may not change but your hope and attitude will. Never suck up to the world and it's pleasures to find escape from the troubles of life. If you run to the Lord like David, you will find relief. ~Dad

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