Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 14, 2015

Psalm 51:17... The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart. O God, you will not despise...
This chapter is written by David when he confessed to God after he recognized his sin with Bathsheba because of Nathan's obedience in talking with him. He was cut to the heart and realized that he sinned and was sorrowful. He admits his sin and asks for a clean spirit.
There are some very important lessons throughout the whole chapter. We need to see them and here are some... When confronted with your sin, admit it and seek forgiveness. Don't expect God to just forgive you because you asked him... plead for his forgiveness based on his goodness. You must recognize your sin is not just against man it is also against God--- in fact, this is the greater sin (even when David was also responsible for murder. We must be fully broken. We must desire purity and know that he can make you whiter than snow again. Desire and allow God to create in you a steadfast spirit. Then Praise him for his faithfulness - despite your unfaithfulness.
A and K The Word was written for many reasons, namely so we do not sin! but if we do sin, realize Jesus is there so we can come back to God and be made pure once more. I encourage to flee the temptations of the world. That is most easily done by not becoming like them and doing the things they do... I know this is not taught in most churches today, but it kept the Bs holy for many centuries and today many have changed course and i see the result in my cousins with the FB posts. the other day I wrote "delete" in the comment section of a vulgar post. I deleted it so I don't know if there was a response. You must determine not to sin... be thankful there is a way if we do ~Dad
PS K, you told me of someone close who sins and is satisfied knowing God is forgiving and all will be fine... this chapter shows that we cannot come lightly to him and believe he doesn't mind .. see also Heb.6:6, Daughters, may that never be you or I

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