Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 01, 2015

Psalm 38:1... O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger, or discipline in your wrath...
This verse is about David's ongoing struggle with the wicked desiring his downfall. He, of course, was king and many sought his demise. But David saw the struggle not just as a power struggle, he saw it a s a spiritual as well. When he sinned, he knew God would discipline him., yet the correction was compounded when other took advantage of him during that time of chastisement... they would attack when he was down.
David did not ask that God would not correct him, rather he asked that God would stop the attacks from wicked when corrected. Satan attacks when we are down which compounds our problem. David knew he could not take the attacks if God allowed them so he asked that God would not be angry when he disciplined him.
A and K, someday you will give out rebukes and corrections. This may be at the workplace or in the home. When you raise your children, make sure you do not correct them or spank them in anger (and K we never talked about that pic you sent me about paddling children).they cannot take your rebuke if you do so with wrath. Your motivation must be righteousness. If God rebuked like many parents, we would be destroyed. Learn to discipline in love for the good of your child. ~Dad

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